Introducing me!

Hello everyone! My name is Mari and I am excited to go on this blog journey with you all!

To tell you a little bit about myself, a few of my favorite things include going fishing, hitting the slopes to go snowboarding, taking long naps with my dog, and just spending quality time out in the wilderness. Here are a few pictures of my outdoor adventures this summer:

My best friend, is my Dad. We are quite the duo, everything always seems to turn into an adventure when we are together. We enjoy camping, hiking, flying kites, going on walks and enjoying each others company. I enjoy living a healthy lifestyle revolving around fueling myself with wholesome foods, staying active, and doing things that make me happy. Its easy to find me at the gym, on a trail or at the local farmers market picking up some fresh produce!

The concept of healthy living in my opinion is different for everyone. For myself, health living involves both physical and mental aspects. Staying physically active and nourishing the body with healthy foods is extremely important to overall health. Furthermore, mental health is just as important. There is nothing wrong with spending time on yourself and doing things you love. In fact, it is essential. To me, mental health is just as important physical health because they truly work hand in hand.

There are many behaviors that impact ones overall health. The most important behavior in my life is taking time for self care. For different people "self care" can mean a number of different things. To me, self care means to designate time to unwind from my busy lifestyle and enjoying being in the moment. This can include laying by the beach, going for a run or spending quality time with the people I love. I am a firm believer that a healthy and happy soul is the foundation to a healthy and happy body!


  1. Hey Mari its really nice to get to know you even more!

    Its wonderful that you and your dad have this amazing relationship. I also enjoy going on hikes and just being active outdoors! I usually go to the gym everyday myself but I've been struggling so much trying to gain back that motivation. I would always go to the farmers market back home and it was the best feeling in the world. You and I both share the same concept of healthy living and it is amazing because many forget that mental health is also an important factor to healthy living.

  2. Hi Mari, thank you for sharing part of yourself with us!

    I have always wanted to go to Trolltunga so I think it is amazing that you went there! I did a backpacking trip this summer which has sparked a renewed love and desire for spending time in the outdoors with few distractions. I appreciate how you emphasize self-care in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I also wrote about how our mental health has a huge impact on our physical health and I love seeing people make time for themselves just like they would a friend. Loved your thoughts!

  3. Hey Mari! I love your perspective on healthy living. It is also nice to see that you practice what you preach. I really agree with your point about how healthy living means different things for different people. I have never been one to stress one healthy habit over another, I think they are all important. Going along with that theme I think that each person might need to focus on certain areas of health more than others. I am looking forward to reading your future posts. Your pictures are awesome by the way!


  4. Hi Mari,
    The pictures from your hike are amazing! They make me want to go there right this very minute! :) I love reading about you, your life, your dad, and your interests. You are an amazing young woman. I also appreciate your view of healthy living and agree with the concept of self-care. It is unfortunate, but being care-giver for my mom makes self-care not as available as I would like; but I do what I can. Thank you for your interesing post!


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